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District News

Educator of the Year Nominations
Diane Nichols

Parents, Madeira staff members, students, and members of the community are invited to nominate a Madeira educator to represent their district at the 2025 Hamilton County Education Foundation's "Celebrate Excellence" event.

The Hamilton County Education Foundation (HCEF) was established to enhance the lives of educators in the community. Through the provision of scholarships to teachers and educational professionals, the Foundation created its annual Celebrate Excellence Award to recognize and honor excellent educators throughout the public school districts of Hamilton County. The Madeira City School District participates in the Celebrate Excellence Program and invites staff, parents and community members to nominate not only classroom teachers but all certified Madeira Schools personnel. Past honorees have included special education teachers, music directors, principals, intervention specialists, guidance counselors, and classroom teachers.

Nominations will be reviewed and one nominee will be selected to represent the Madeira City School District at the 2025 Celebrate Excellence Award Ceremony in the spring. The district representative will also be recognized by the Madeira Board of Education at their May recognition meeting. 

Characteristics to be considered for nominees should include demonstrating a high commitment to student achievement, having the ability to challenge students at all levels, extending him or herself to make a positive difference, continuing to improve and grow professionally, and demonstrating innovation and best practices.

Madeira’s past honorees include Megan McKee (2015), Kelly Wing (2016), Tracy Alley (2017), Jennifer Bruening (2018), Kristina Wanstrath (2019), Tammy Roberts (2023), and Vince Rahnfeld (2024). The event was cancelled in 2020, 2021, 2022 due to Covid.

To submit a nomination by mail please see Celebrating Excellence. To submit a nomination online please see Celebrating Excellence. Nominations are due by 4 pm Friday, February 28, 2025, to Madeira Educator of the Year c/o Board of Education Office, 7465 Loannes Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45243 or e-mail to Please contact Diane Nichols at (513) 924-3707 with any questions. 

Record Number of Madeira Students Win Scholastic Art Awards
Diane Nichols

Sixteen Madeira students received Scholastic Art Awards from the nation’s longest-running, most prestigious recognition initiative for creative students in grades 7-12. Each year nearly 5,000 pieces of art are submitted within the region, with only approximately 20% accepted. The selection of winners was guided by the three core principles of the Scholastic Awards — originality, technical skills, and the emergence of personal vision or voice. 

Thirteen students from Madeira High School (MHS) received a record 17 awards: Ella Cuchra (Grade 12) Band Practice Mixed Media/Silver Key and Happy Birthday Painting/Gold Key; Anna Wagner (Grade 12) Holding On To Comfort Drawing & Illustration/Silver Key; Kate Monnin (Grade 12) Post-Apocalyptic City Mixed Media/Honorable Mention; Kate Manzi (Grade 12) Skeleton Horse Mixed Media/ Silver Key and Tighter Drawing & Illustration/Honorable Mention; Morgan Starr (Grade 12) Moth to the Flame Mixed Media/Honorable Mention and The Fall of Icarus Sculpture/Honorable Mention; Miki Hansen (Grade 12 ) Sarah Drawing & Illustration/Honorable Mention; Gregory Seremetis (Grade 12) Insect close up Photography/Silver Key; Owen Mobley (Grade 11) Parrot Mixed Media/ Honorable Mention and St. Peter's Basilica Painting/Honorable Mention; Cora Chalfie (Grade 11) Betta Mixed Media/ Honorable Mention; Isabella Sammut (Grade 11) Facing the Light Drawing & Illustration/Gold Key; Henry Gravlee (Grade 10) Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah Portrait Drawing & Illustration/Silver Key; Maggie Meyer (Grade 10) Bengal Tiger Mixed/Honorable Mention and Jane Rose Pyron (Grade 10) Satomi Drawing & Illustration/Honorable Mention. The Madeira High School art teacher is Jill Dulgeroff. 

Three Madeira Middle School (MMS) students received Scholastic Art Awards: Sophie Bowles (Grade 8) Snowfox in the Winter Drawing & Illustration/Honorable Mention; Noah DeMotte (Grade 7) The Lake Drawing & Illustration/HonorableMention, and Eleanor Towe (Grade 7) Poppies Mixed Media /Honorable Mention. The MMS art teacher is Rossi-Riel.

All artwork can be viewed at the Art Academy of Cincinnati from February 7-16, with a  regional awards ceremony taking place the evening of February 7 from 5-8 pm.


MMS winners

MHS winners (not pictured Gregory Seremetis, Henry Gravlee)


Madeira School Board Recognizes District Achievements
Diane Nichols

The Madeira City School Board of Education held its annual organizational meeting on January 13, 2025. The board also recognized over 180 students, staff members, and coaches for their achievements during the first half of the school year.

National Merit Semifinalists Morgan Starr, Owen Dixon, Will Manning, and Wes Nelson, and National Merit Commended Students Nate Gemmel, Nina Gravlee, Nora Katz, and Sasha Pinyayev were applauded for their achievements.

Fifty-one new inductees into Madeira High School’s (MHS) National Honor Society were presented with medals to wear when they graduate. The students were selected for demonstrating excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, andCharacter. Honorary staff inductee Jennifer Bruening, selected by the students, was recognized for demonstrating excellence in the same areas.

Recognitions of Madeira Varsity athletic teams & coaches included the Girls Golf Team who finished second in the state tournament, the Cross Country Girls team who made it to the final state meet and finished in 6th place, and the Girls Soccer team who won the state championship.

MHS Entrepreneurship Class students were recognized for forming companies Ribbons for Hope, mAED For More, and Hope 4 Kids. The companies raised a record $26,000 in 6 weeks for worthwhile causes.

MHS Marching Band Director Ryan Ervin, staff, band, and color guard members were commended for qualifying for the state marching band competition and receiving a Superior rating.

Ben Wetzel was commended for receiving a perfect score on the ACT test.

At the organizational meeting following the recognitions, the school board also elected officers. Ryan Lex was elected President and Steve Bernicke was elected Vice-President. School board members are Brad Cunningham, David Eberly, and Ann Ramos. The Madeira City Schools Board of Education typically meets on the third Monday of each month at 7 pm in Perin Learning Commons located at Madeira High School.

Winter Weather Alert Information
Diane Nichols

In the event of inclement weather, schools may be either canceled or be placed on a 2-hour delay. This information will be announced on local television and radio stations, and an email will be sent to families via the Parent Listserves. Parents will also receive a phone notification through the automated dialing system. We try to make our determination by 6 a.m.

On days when a 2-hour delay is in effect, schools and special programs will begin according to the schedule below. Buses will pick up students at their regularly scheduled stops 2 hours later than their usual time, with the exception of afternoon Kindergarten. Afternoon Kindergarten families who use transportation will receive a call from Transportation with their adjusted pickup time.  All Private/Parochial transportation will also be delayed 2 hours.

School starting times will be as follows:
Champions Programs (Before school program) 9 a.m.
Madeira High School (Grades 9-12) 9:35 a.m.
Madeira Middle (Grades 6-8) 10 a.m.
Madeira Elementary (Grades K-5) 11 a.m.
Preschool (See below)
Champions Programs (MES After school program ) Regular Time

*PLEASE NOTE: All Day Kindergarten will be 11:00-3:30. Morning Kindergarten will be 11:00-1:00. Afternoon Kindergarten will be 1:30 - 3:30. Kindergarten classes (OKEP and morning classes) will be required to bring a packed lunch

Madeira Preschool
Madeira Preschool will follow the same closings and delays as the Madeira Elementary, Middle, and High School. If school is delayed or canceled because of inclement weather, the automated phone system will contact your home phone number and parent mobile phone numbers that you have provided to be used in the case of an emergency. In addition, emails will be sent to all addresses subscribed to each individual school listserve. 

In the event of a 2-hour delay, the preschool will run on the following schedule:

Before School Care 10 - 11 
AM Class 11 - 12:30
Lunch for Full Day Children 12:30-1 
PM Class  1:45-3:15
Full Day 11 - 3:15
Champions After Care 3:30-6:00

In the event of inclement weather arriving after the start of the school day, elementary and middle school students will not be released except upon direct contact with the parent or person(s) listed on the student’s emergency card. If bus transportation cannot be provided, students will be kept at school until a parent can pick up their student. Please let us know if you have any questions at 985-6070.


  • Madeira City Schools
  • Madeira Elementary School
  • Madeira High School
  • Madeira Middle School
  • Madeira Preschool
Our New Quality Profile
Diane Nichols

The Madeira City School District has released its twelfth annual Quality Profile (QP), a compilation of accomplishments from the 2023-2024 school year in areas most important to the Madeira community.

Madeira began producing the yearly QP in 2012 along with Forest Hills, Indian Hill, Loveland, Mariemont, Mason, Milford, Oak Hills, Sycamore, and Wyoming school districts. Participating schools surveyed their residents to determine additional factors they valued in their child’s education in areas not represented on the state’s report card. The Quality Profile was initiated to highlight those areas from the previous school year. Today, over a decade after its inception, approximately 50 school districts throughout Ohio produce this assessment of their district’s performance to supplement the state’s report card.

The Quality Profile spotlights just some of the many student, staff, and community member accomplishments during the 2023-2024 school year in Academics, Arts, Student Leadership & Activities, Fiscal Stewardship, Parent & Community Involvement, Athletics, Student Services, and Staff & District Recognitions.

Some of the highlights included in this year’s report are Murals With a Mission - a powerful student-led design and art project, six Madeira teams winning the State of Ohio Personal Finance Challenge, the 2024 I Make a Difference Award recipients, and middle school students learning responsible online citizenship and safe and responsible use of technology through a partnership with the Madeira Police Department.

All twelve Quality Profiles can be found at The Rest of the Story. Postcards were mailed to all Madeira residents with a QR code to access the QP. Residents can leave their address with Diane Nichols at or 513.924.3707 to have a paper copy sent to their home.

2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration


All the information you need to know to register your upcoming Kindergartener can be found at 2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration.