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Maintenance Department

Madeira City Schools is proud of the new buildings and renovations throughout the district. Thanks to our community, our students and staff will have a quality learning environment for years to come. With over 246,000 square feet of educational space, our maintenance and custodial staff works hard to care for our buildings.  

Energy efficiency is a key focus within the operations of district facilities.  Automated HVAC controls and occupancy sensors work hand in hand to help maintain comfort while maximizing our energy savings. Our philosophy is simple - the more money we can save in operations, the more money we can direct to our true mission of educating Madeira's students.
For additional information about our facilities and maintenance, please contact Druien Downs. 

Druien Downs
Director of Facilities
513-985-6070 ext. 2307

Scott Kemmeter
Maintenance Technician
513-985-6070 ext. 2307