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Board Of Education

In partnership with parents and community, Madeira City Schools provides and promotes a positive learning environment that challenges each learner to achieve full academic potential for excellence and be a responsible, educated, and caring individual now and in the future.

The Madeira City Schools Board of Education typically meets on the third Monday of each month at 7 pm in the Perin Learning Commons located at Madeira High School. For specific dates visit our online district calendar or contact the Board of Education by calling 513-985-6070. Board members are residents of Madeira who are elected for four-year terms. 

Bylaws & Policies
Planning Commission
I Make a Difference Award
Business Advisory Joint Statement 
Legislative Updates


Ryan Lex


Ryan received a BS in Psychology and a BA in Elementary Education from Miami University. A resident of Madeira, he and his wife have three children; Ethan MHS '21, Kate MHS '23, and Lily class of '27. Ryan is the Head of Retail Distribution for Talcott Financial Group. Before becoming a school board member, he was involved with the Madeira Schools Planning Commission.

Ryan serves on the Finance Committee and the Community Relations Committee. He is serving his second term, which runs from January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2025.


Steve Bernicke
Vice President


Steve received a BS in Industrial & Systems Engineering from Ohio University.  A resident of Madeira, he and his wife Synda have two children: Alex MHS '17, and Samuel MHS '20. Steve is a Partner with Centric Consulting. Prior to becoming a school board member, he was involved with the Madeira Schools Planning Commission and the Madeira Schools Foundation.

Steve serves on the Student Achievement Liason Committee and the Policy Committee. He is serving his second term, which runs January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2025.


Brad Cunningham

Brad received a BA in Elementary Education from Miami University.  Brad and his wife Michele have been Madeira residents for 23 years and have five children - Ava '22, Jackson '24, Cole '27, Annie & Brody '30. Brad is the co-founding owner of Orangefinancial, LLC.  His experience with Madeira Schools includes serving on the Planning Commission, Parks & Recreation Board, coaching the Madeira High School swim team, and coaching the Madeira Marlins.

Brad serves on the Finance Committee. He is serving his first term, which runs January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2027.



Dave Eberly


Dave Eberly and his wife Jennifer have been Madeira residents for the past 23 years. They are the parents of MHS graduates Samantha '17, Michael '19, and Joseph '22 .  Dave has been a practicing attorney for the past 26 years. His experience with the Madeira School District includes Planning Commission, Madeira Schools Foundation, and Residents for Madeira Schools. He served as a levy co-chair for two school levies and has also been involved with the city of Madeira as a member of City Council and Planning Commission.

Dave serves on the Buildings and Grounds Committee and Legislative Committee. Dave was appointed to the board on August 10, 2020. He is serving his first full term, which runs from January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2025.



Ann Ramos

Ann earned a BA in Engineering Physics and an MA in Secondary Education. A resident of Madeira for 31 years, she and her husband Chris are the parents of MHS graduates Maria ’14, Nick ’17, Ben ’20 and Andrew ’23.  She taught high school for a decade before staying home with her family.  Ann has served Madeira City Schools as a volunteer in the classroom, the theatre arts and music programs, and with various sports teams.  She also held leadership roles in each of the district’s Parent Teacher Organizations (PTOs).

Ann serves on the Planning Commission Committee and the Policy Committee. She is serving her first term, which runs January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2027.

• Community representative Steve Ashbrock serves as the Great Oaks Liason.