The Madeira City Schools and the Madeira community are comprised of dedicated and involved individuals who regularly go beyond the expected to 'make a difference' in our schools. They have the attitude of not being satisfied with the status quo, but of going the extra mile. The 'I Make a Difference Award' was created for the Madeira City School Board to recognize the extraordinary contribution of these people.
To nominate someone who makes a difference online, please see I Make a Difference Award online.
For a nomination form please see: I Make a Difference Award.
May 2024: Aaron Wagner, Nate Wagner, Chuck Jonas, Madeira Police Chief Dave Schaefer, Lieutenant Paul Phillips (not pictured), Lieutenant James Roy, and Detective Richard Byram
May 2023: Ann Ramos, Synda Bernicke, and Susan Busch
(May 2020: Not presented due to Covid-19)
May 2018: Jackie Preston, David Eberly, Michelle Mitchell, Denny Mitchell
Not pictured: Joe Kimling
Not pictured: John Dobbs, Carolyn Ladd, Rick & Renee Beach.
2004-2005: Carolyn Edington, David McPherson, Denise Chastain, Donna Karda, John Chastain, Laura Rolfes, Mary McKay, Ruth Corgan
2002-2003: Denise Chastain, Terry Larson, John Chastain
2001-2002: Kelley McNeal
2000-2001: Jeff Corn
1999-2000: Anthony Ricciardi, Beth Rusche, Carol Ladrigan, Diana Campbell, Diane Nichols, Doug Nichols, George Glover, Jana Garman, Jay Hanson, Jeanne Gulick, Jill Johnston, Julie Acomb, Laurel Bauer, Mark Holland, Mary Ann Adrick, Nick Andrews, Pat Tartarton, Rich Harwood, Sharon Maiman, Tom Shoop, Weslie Ostendorf
1998-1999: Gary Schneider, Bev Olinger, George Hurst, Harry Adler Jr, Karyn Hutson, Russ DeMar, Tim Yeomans
1997-1998: Bev Strelau, Ed Strelau, Gilbert Berry, Jeff Schiear, Joe Scherrer, Julie Schiear, Mary Anne Christie, Robert E. Lee, Tim Phillips
1996-1997: Diane Nichols, George Hurst, Jill Johnston, Kathy Hurst, Marc Lockhart, Ray Nulsen, Rich Mattes, Rick Staubach, Steve Fast
1995-1996: Cindy McPherran, Dick Hartmann, Doug Nichols, Emily Von Allmen, Jayne Floering, John Wykoff, Jon Mauch, Julie Hellebusch, Marge Caton, Pat Dorn, Phil Miekley, Rick West, Sid Wittenberg, Tony Baker