Informational Material
- Certified Salary Schedule
- Certified Preschool Salary Schedule
- Support Salary Schedule
- Supplemental Salary Schedule
- Fringe Benefits-2024-2025
- GCIC Insurance Benefits Website
- GCIC Benefit Guide 2024-2025
- GCIC Benefit Changes 2023-2024
- GCIC Find a Delta Dental Participating Dentist
- BenefitsSolver Easy Enrollment
- American Fidelity Medical Claim Form
- Name Change Guidelines
- 403(b) and 457 TSA Meaningful Notice for 2024
- 403(b) Form
- 457(b) Form
- 403b & 457 Annuity Providers
- Childrens Health Insurance Provider Notice (CHIP)
American Fidelity S125 and Flexible Spending
The Flexible Spending Year Starts on 9/15 of the current year and end on 9/14 of the following year.
Claim forms can be found on the "Information Material" section.
All benefit eligible staff will meet with an American Fidelity representative once each year to acknowledge S125 and Flexible Spending.
If You Have Any Questions or Cannot Find the Payroll Form you are seeking Please Contact:
Melody Gregory - 513-924-3701
Emily Hauser - 513-985-6070
Melody Gregory - 513-924-3701
Emily Hauser - 513-985-6070