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Parent/Student Resources

Madeira City School District is a school community where learning is personalized and success is ensured. Madeira City Schools recognizes that a student's emotional and mental health status may impact their ability to be successful in school.

Each school provides counseling services to help students with academic concerns, emotional issues, crisis intervention, conflict resolution, healthy decision-making, bullying and harassment prevention, and substance abuse prevention. If you have concerns about your child's academic, social-emotional and/or mental health, please do not hesitate to contact your school counselor.

Madeira City Schools & Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Partnership

The Madeira City School District is partnering with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) to provide Madeira families with children in Grades K-12 access to school based mental health services.

• CCHMC will provide independently licensed therapists to offer support for students during their school day. 

• These optional and confidential services will be offered in addition to those provided by school counselors and psychologists. 

• Families can cover the cost of therapy visits through private insurance, Medicaid or private pay options.

This partnership was facilitated by MindPeace, a non-profit organization with the mission to improve access to high quality mental health care for all children.  

If you are interested in this service for your child, please contact your child’s school counselor. For more information about this partnership contact Jessica Stevens, Director of Student Services, at 513.272.4140 or

For more information about the school counseling services Madeira offers for students, please click on this link SCHOOL COUNSELING SERVICES.

Emory Bergdoll, 3-5 Counselor (513) 587-0008
Christen Bohrofen, K-2 Counselor (513) 985-6070 #4141

Julia Cabral, Counselor (513) 561-5555

Natalie Uihlein, Counselor [ Students A - G ] (513) 924-3729
Kristen Duffey, Counselor [ Students H - N ] (513) 924-3726
Kim Homer, Counselor [ Students O - Z ] (513) 924-3727


Community Resources by Content Area

Free Summer Lunch Program

For information please see
Summer Meals for Kids and Teens.

Keeping Kids Safe in Cyber Space

For information please see
Safe Home

Bullying Prevention

Report Bullying (Safe Schools Online)

Safe Schools Help Line Report by Phone:
(866) LISTEN2ME 

Madeira Schools Bullying Prevention

Children's Health Insurance

Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP):
(800) 318-2596

Drug Awareness

Start the Conversation With Your Child
Start Talking!

Prevention First!

Food Pantries

Food Pantries of Cincinnati

North East Emergency Distribution Services (NEEDS)

Goodwill Industries

Goodwill Industries: (513) 771-4800

Grief and Loss

Cancer Family Care loss due to cancer:
(513) 731-3346

Fernside loss due to death or incarceration:
(513) 246-9140

Health Department

Hamilton County Public Health
(513) 946-7800


Madeira Homeless Liason: Jessica Hunter
(513) 272-4140

Education Rights of Homeless Children

Ohio Department of Education: Parent's Guide

Lighthouse Youth Services
(513) 961-4080

Talbert House
(513) 221-4357

Foster Care 

Foster Care Resources
For questions about students in foster care, please contact Jessica Hunter
(513) 272-4140

Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Access Point (MHAP):
(513) 558-8888

(513) 803-0844

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Southwest Ohio
(800) 273-8255

School and Community Continuum of Services
(Hamilton County Mental Health and Recovery Services) Comprehensive list of agencies and services available in Hamilton County:
(513) 946-8600

Military-Connected Youth

See attached brochure for resources, information and opportunities for military families and those who work with them:
Education Outreach Program for Military-Connected Youth

Substance Abuse

Addiction Services Council: (513) 281-7880

GLAD House: (513) 641-5530

Talbert House: (513) 281-2273

Suicide Prevention
Call - (800) 784-2433 (open 24/7)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
Call - (800) 273-8255 (open 24/7)

Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation:
Call - (513) 281-2273 (open 24/7)

Cincinnati Children's Medical Hospital (Psychiatric Intake Response Center):
Call - (513) 636-4124

Crisis Text Line in Ohio - Confidential and Free access to a Crisis Counselor

Hamilton County Crisis Support (open 24/7)
Call - (513) 281-2273 
Text "4hope" to 839863

Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Resources

National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline is a national helpline serving victims and survivors of teen dating abuse. You can contact the helpline by calling 1-866-331-9474; texting LOVEIS to 22522; or chatting 24/7 at

Love Is Respect’s purpose is to engage, educate, and empower young people to prevent and end abusive relationships. In addition to the National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline (above), they provide ‘Relationship 101’ education including ‘Dating Basics’, ‘What is a Healthy Relationship’, and ‘Is This Abuse?’ which can be found at

National Sexual Assault Hotline provides a range of free services including confidential support from a trained staff member, information about local resources, information about laws in your community, basic information about medical concerns, and referrals for long-term support in your area. The hotline can be accessed by calling 1-800-656-HOPE (1-800-656-4673).

Dating Matters: Strategies to Promote Healthy Teen Relationships
, developed by the Centers for Disease Control, is a teen dating violence prevention initiative that seeks to reduce dating violence and increase healthy relationships among 11-to 14-year-olds in high-risk urban communities through comprehensive, multisector prevention. This tool can be accessed at

Safe Dates: An Adolescent Dating Abuse Prevention Curriculum, published by Hazelden, is an evidence-based curriculum that prevents dating abuse among adolescents. Safe Dates helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive dating relationships. More information on Safe Dates can be found at:

Break the Cycle is a national nonprofit organization providing comprehensive dating abuse programs for young people ages 12 to 24. They provide youth leadership and education programs including ‘Let’s Be Real’ and ‘Start Talking’, education and information about dating abuse, and capacity building for professionals who work with victims. Break the Cycle resources can be found at:

That’s Not Cool focuses on digital forms of dating abuse. Their resources include a Cool, Not Cool app where youth choose what is cool and not cool about friends and relationships, an Ambassadors Program for individuals who want to raise awareness of digital dating abuse, an Adult Allies section, and speak up/social hub sections. The website can be accessed at:

Self-Harm Awareness

S.A.F.E. Alternatives Information Line: The S.A.F.E. Alternatives Information Line provides referrals and support for individuals who engage in self-injury. If you or people you know engage in self-injury and would like to talk to someone, call (800) 366-8288.

Self-Injury Outreach and Support: Self-Injury Outreach and Support provides a helpful guide for how to navigate helping a friend who self-injures. There are a number of tips about how to identify and talk about self-harm with a friend. For more information, visit: Self-Injury Outreach & Support.