As a part of the requirements of the ARP ESSER funding, Madeira City Schools has created this landing page to publicly display our plan along with additional required items. Comments, questions, or feedback to this plan should be directed to Assistant Superintendent Dave Bergan at
Safe Return of In-Person Instruction & Continuity of Services
Madeira City Schools was fortunate to start the 2020-21 school year with a five-day-a-week in-person option for our families. Our safe return policies and procedures have been shared with our community on the RESTART Madeira Plan’s webpage all school year. Updates to this plan were made throughout the school year as guidance changed. We will continue to update this page to reflect the most recent guidance and policies as we look to the 2021-22 school year. Our plan for the 2021-22 school year will be to once again have students in person five days a week. Please use this link to access our RESTART Madeira webpage.
Use of ARP ESSER Funds
Madeira plans to use a portion of the funds to implement and train staff on a research-based decoding program focused on phonemic awareness and decoding. This program will allow our staff to identify and close learning gaps. We also plan to use a portion of the funds to improve HVAC in sections of our High School that have outdated systems in order to improve air quality and circulation in these spaces. Identified areas of the high school that are needing improvement include the academic classrooms, and both main and auxiliary gymnasiums. We will regularly update this page as our plans develop, and we will provide updates through the Blue & Gold Digest and annual updates to our Board of Education.